What is SOAR?
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is a national program designed to increase access to the disability income benefit programs administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for eligible adults and children who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder.
The Coalition is the statewide lead for SOAR services overseeing programmatic and management needs.
Who is eligible?
SOAR programs at different agencies determine the population they serve within the scope of people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. However, in Rhode Island, SOAR has primarily served adults who are experiencing chronic homelessness and/or unsheltered adults.
The target population of SOAR is:
Category 1 homeless (in shelter, sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation) and individuals who are now in rapid rehousing (RRH) or permanent supportive housing (PSH) programs.
OR: transition aged youth (TAY), aged 18-24) experiencing homelessness​
OR: fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence (DV)
Has a condition that has lasted or will last at least 12 months that directly prevents them from working at any job​
Not currently working
Does not currently have a pending Social Security claim
I think I'm eligible for SOAR services, who do I contact?
We highly encourage you to contact your case manager if you believe that you are eligible for SOAR services. Your case manager will be able to work directly with SOAR Specialists in order to quickly work on your SSI/SSDI case.
If for any reason, your case manager is unable to help you connect with SOAR services, please reach out directly to:
Brianna Ehler brianna@rihomeless.org