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Rhode Island Pay for Success
A Permanent Supportive Housing Pilot Program
The Rhode Island Pay for Success (PFS) Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Pilot Program* is a new initiative that aims to provide essential supportive services to Rhode Island residents who have a history of chronic homelessness and complex life circumstances, and to facilitate their placement into housing units. The program’s guiding purpose is to enable these individuals to maintain stable housing over the longest term.
PFS PSH is unique in that it is the first program in Rhode Island to utilize an innovative financing model, called Pay for Success, in which public dollars are expended only to the extent that pre-determined public policy outcomes are achieved. In such models, private investors provide the upfront capital needed to launch and run the program. If program outcomes are achieved, government repays the private investment, plus a modest return. If outcomes are not achieved, private investors take the loss.
The idea behind the Pay for Success model is to:
Elevate accountability with regards to how public dollars are spent;
Shift the financial risk of new programs from public funds to private investors, and;
Shift the focus of service providers, payors, and policy makers alike to whether programs are having the intended impact.
The Pay for Success model also puts “data” squarely at the center of social programs, both in terms of how programs are designed and how their outcomes are measured.
PFS PSH in Rhode Island is expected to serve 175-200 individuals identified as high utilizers of Medicaid, the Department of Corrections (DOC), and/or homeless services based on data from the relevant State agencies. At least100 individuals who enroll will have a history of high DOC involvement.
The program leverages permanent supportive housing, an evidence-based intervention that combines housing assistance with robust, voluntary supportive services tailored to each person’s unique needs, to help individuals remain stably housed. Permanent supportive housing has consistently been demonstrated to help people with multiple barriers to finding and maintaining housing achieve housing stability. It is also a cost-effective solution, shown to lower public costs associated with the use of crisis services like shelters, hospitals, jails, and prisons.
Success for PFS PSH in Rhode Island is defined as the extent to which individuals enrolled in the program achieve the following outcomes, as measured by an independent evaluator:
Find and maintain stable housing
Decrease preventable Emergency Room visits
Increase the days spent in the community, as opposed to days spent incarcerated
PFS PSH service delivery began in September 2023. Program outcomes will be reported here as they begin to be achieved – please stay tuned!
And please keep reading for more information about this groundbreaking new initiative.
The Pay for Success Framework
A thoughtfully designed framework guides program implementation, governance, and evaluation.
Program Standards for Shared Decision Making
Evaluation Plan: coming soon!

Pay for Success Funders
Innovative financing that brings together forward-looking social impact investors, state government agencies, and traditional philanthropy is at the core of the program.
The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) serves as the principal agency of the executive branch of state government. The agency is responsible for managing the departments of: Health (RIDOH); Human Services (DHS); Office of Healthy Aging (OHA); Office of Veterans Services (VETS); Children, Youth and Families (DCYF); and Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH). EOHHS is also designated as the single State agency to administer the Medicaid program in Rhode Island.
Maycomb Capital is a pioneering impact investing platform. Maycomb provides financing across asset classes to fund strategies and enterprises that transform communities. The team at Maycomb knows that the world's problems demand patience, creativity, and an appreciation for complexity. They drive capital toward effective solutions for underserved communities, using data and rigorous analysis to guide decisions. Maycomb identifies scalable and sustainable paths to positive change, tackling entrenched social and economic challenges. By harnessing the scale, expertise and risk tolerance of the private sector in service of the public good, Maycomb is demonstrating what's possible with mission-focused, flexible capital. Website:
The Rhode Island Foundation is supporting Year 1 of the initiative with a $300,000 grant. The Foundation is the largest funder of nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island. Through civic leadership, fundraising and grant-making activities, often in partnership with individuals and organizations, the Foundation is helping improve the lives of all Rhode Islanders. Website:
Pay for Success Service Providers
Service Providers leverage their wealth of experience and expertise, plus a collaborative approach to program improvement and learning, to engage and support individuals in the program.
East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) serves low-income people of all ages who reside in any of the ten cities and towns that comprise Rhode Island’s East Bay region. It provides integrated health services, including primary care, dental care, and behavioral health care. Other health services include the WIC program (nutrition advice and support for people who are expecting a baby and/or caring for children up to age five) and recovery services. Services for elders include case management, the Congregate Nutrition Program (meals in a social setting), and volunteer opportunities. EBCAP also offers various educational programs for individuals and families, including early childhood education, Head Start programs, before and after school programs, and youth and adult employment and GED education. The organization’s Family Centers provide referrals, resources, and support for basic needs - rental assistance, food, home heating assistance, appliance management, and home weatherization. EBCAP is the backbone agency for the Bristol, Warren, and East Providence Health Equity Zones. Website:
OpenDoors is a nonprofit organization that serves justice-involved and homeless individuals. OpenDoors invests in people, not prisons, providing wrap-around services to justice-involved and homeless individuals in order to strengthen communities and increase public safety. To that end, OpenDoors operates a Resource Center and a 19-unit Section 8 building in Olneyville, three homeless shelters, two men's transitional recovery houses, and a transitional recovery house for women. Case Management and Peer Recovery Services are available to all clients and residents of OpenDoors. Website:
House of Hope CDC serves individuals experiencing homelessness in outreach, drop-in, and home-based settings, focusing on the most vulnerable members of the homeless community. The agency affirms safe, stable housing as a basic human right. It maintains a diverse portfolio, including properties it owns and operates and voucher-based units statewide. More recently, the agency has also begun to partner with housing developers and property management companies to develop projects expanding the reach of supportive services. House of Hope CDC addresses the trauma of homelessness by empowering constituents, delivering high impact innovative services, diversifying housing options, and advocating for policies to counter structural inequalities. The agency acknowledges the inherent worth in everyone experiencing homelessness and strives to treat each individual with dignity and respect, with all programs based on the fundamental belief that each individual served has unique strengths. House of Hope CDC leaders and staff listen and respond to constituent's needs, tailoring support to their unique circumstances and empowering them to maintain stable homes while ensuring they are well-integrated in a caring and supportive community. Website:
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information about the Pay for Success Program please contact Tara Murphy at
*PFS PSH in Rhode Island reflects the work of numerous agencies and individuals over multiple years. Program design and planning efforts were supported by a grant from HUD/DOJ. State budget appropriations enacted in the Rhode Island FY2022 State Budget will fund PFS PSH outcome payments. All program design decisions were informed by an active PFS PSH Working Group comprised of representatives from Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), Department of Corrections (DOC), and the Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Hospitals (BHDDH), and the nonprofit, Social Finance, and convened by the Rhode Island Coalition to End Homelessness. The program is managed by the Coalition in partnership with EOHHS and with oversight from an Executive Steering Committee comprised of Rhode Island government leaders and individuals with lived experience of homelessness.
Please check out our FAQ to learn more about the steps and thinking behind the launch of this unique and ambitious new endeavor.