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Housing Program Data

The numbers displayed below represent the most current data in the Rhode Island Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Management Information System, or HMIS. The HMIS is used to collect data related to demographic, program enrollment and service delivery for  Rhode Islander's who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Please keep in mind that some program utilization rates have been impacted by COVID-19.

*Please note the data displayed is pulled in real time from our database and may take a few moments to load.

The number above represents how long households are in “PSH” which stands for “permanent supportive housing.” Get a detailed definition of PSH from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) here. PSH is defined as a permanent housing situation in which housing assistance and supportive services are provided to assist households. In the PSH program at least one household member, an adult or child, must have a disability that interferes with achieving housing stability. Housing assistance could include long-term leasing or financial rental assistance. Learn more about what activities are considered “supportive services” here.

The HUD definition of Rapid Re-housing or "RRH" is permanent housing that provides short-term (up to three months) and medium-term (4-24 months) tenant-based rental assistance and supportive services to households experiencing homelessness. RRH is a time limited solution for people with moderate needs. People who qualify for PSH have a higher acuity as PSH is the most intensive housing model, targeted to individuals and families with the most severe housing and service needs. Read what constitutes RRH directly from HUD.

At the start of the RRH project it is not expected that households will have an available unit to move into right away, as HUD defines it. "Move-in" here means the client has a key or entry ability to the unit and that the client has physically slept in the unit. 

The chart above details the different Permanent Housing program’s overall utilization over the past 13 months, and references each program's average number of beds available, total number of enrollments for the report period, and the average number of days people are spending enrolled in the program.

The above chart shows Rapid Re-Housing program’s overall utilization over the past 13 months, and references the average number of beds available, total number of enrollments for the report period, and average number of days people are spending enrolled in the program.

The chart above compares the number of individuals that exited the program over the last 13 months to how many of those individuals left with increased non-employment income and the overall percentage of those leaving the program with increased non-employment income.

The chart above compares: the number of individuals enrolled in the program over the last 13 months to how many of those individuals saw an increase in their earned income and the overall percentage of those with increased earned income.

The bar chart above compares the types of increased income over the past 13 months for people exiting and staying in the system. "Stayer" refers to folks currently enrolled in the programs while "leaver" refers to those who have exited the program. 

One of the more unfortunate problems the system faces is chronic homelessness, which occurs when folks return to homelessness after being enrolled in a permanent housing program. The above chart details the number of returns to homelessness in each program and how much time elapsed before the return occured. 


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